Performance Therapy

70-80 MINUTES +CoachNow App
80min Initial Eval/Treatment $230
70min $185


We combine the benefits of a physical therapist’s assessment with results producing, personal training sessions via goal-oriented corrective bodywork and movement. Establish your fundamental areas of need and work to improve how you move while getting stronger, faster and more flexible.


Performance Therapy may address specific aches, pains or injury, and often focuses on improving certain skills through the improvement of movement patterns (via body work and exercise drills). People from all activity levels benefit from this combination of hands on care, specific corrective/calibrating movements, strengthening, plyometrics, agility or mobility.

  • Clients often choose 3-6 sessions to move them forward, and periodically continue to come for tune-ups or progressions.

  • Some clients continue weekly for personal training.

  • Since our clients often know more than we do about a particular skill or sport, our job is to support them by insuring a solid foundation in muscle balance and movement so they can take it to the next level.

    *These sessions are not medically coded or reimbursable by health insurance plans.

For scheduling or information:
(530) 563-6915 


Physical Therapy focuses on existing acute/chronic injuries, chronic aggravating patterns and pre/post-operative rehabilitation. Specifics include: varying tissue damage or irritations, healing phases and progressions, range of motion (ROM), mobility, strength and return to normal activities of daily living (ADLs). Return to sport is often addressed.

  • Patients are typically seen from 3-12 sessions, but may continue for 20+ sessions if they are post-operative. Formal medical charting is completed and official communication with other medical professionals is commonplace.

  • PT is medically coded and our clients are able to submit a SUPERBILL to their medical insurance under OUT OF NETWORK benefits. Often, insurance companies require physician’s prescriptions, medical documentation, deductable and copayments, and will have limitations on what can be billed, along with a limitation on total number of sessions allowed per year.

  • Many clients report receiving some level of reimbursement from their insurance companies when submitting our SUPERBILL.

    **Laser and NovaTHOR are NOT SUBMITTABLE to health insurance plans.